BOEING Software
MCP/Enhanced Autopilot
Realistic Controlling of Alt/Speed etc, Increments by 1/10 100/1000
FLCH/LVL CHNG CLIMB/DESCENT Which controls your airspeed via the pitch and not the autothrottle with a pitch limiter
TO/GA Mode Controlling the Flight Director and thrust limit according to the situation
Thrust Limiter in other phases of flight (with our CDU for flexible Mode/Altitude thrust control)
ND-Selector for our Glass Cockpit
VOR/LOC Compensating for winds, with correct intercept
Accurate ILS/LOC and ILS GS APP modes with wind compensation and autoland/rollout/autobrakes
Software Features
- Available for 737NG, 747-400 and 777
- Resizable
- Buttons move in/out according to the selected mode
- Keyboard interface
- Support of Epic Axis
- Support of CPFlight 737 MCP Panel
- Support of Aerosoft 747 Panel (via direct serial connection and the Aerosoft Driver)
- Support of Precision Flight Controls 737 MCP Panel
- Support of Flightdeck Solutions G1 and G2 boards

Glass Cockpit (PFD/ND/EICAS)
Works with default FS Autopilot as well as our FCU
Flight Director Inverted V and Crosshair
Correct FMA
Worldwide Navdata with monthly updates
TCAS Display(FS2002 or WhazzUp)
Displays FS Flight plans, SBP files and CDU-generated Routes
Terrain Display (EGPWS)
Weather Radar Display
Standby Gauges
Automatic 2 Engine and 4 Engine Support
Software Features
- Fully Resizable
- Bezel frames can be enabled/disabled
- Windowed/Full Screen
- Excellent Graphics Quality
- All Displays can be re-positioned and combined freely
- Displays can be Rotated left and right 90 degrees
- Brightness Factors
- Special Controls for Cockpit Builders
- OpenGL Graphics for best Image Quality
- Support for PFC Inc. Hardware (www.flypfc.com)

CDU/Flight Management System
Implementation of the Smiths-Type CDU, with some Honeywell-Type features, the keyboard layout can be changed
Worldwide Nav, Terminal Procedures and Airway Database ( allows user defined waypoints as well)
navaid Tuning via ID’s, frequency
Route generation for the Glass Cockpit’s ND and Quickmap (sold seperatly)
LNAV – Compensating for winds, conditional waypoints etc.
VNAV – Commanding climb, cruise and descent performance (via our MCP only)
Calculations based on type specific performance data (can be configured by the user)
Display and setting of V-Speeds
Setting of N1 Limits for the MCP’s thrust management computer
HOLD Feature (time, distance, altitude etc.)
Airway Data
Airway Autoroute feature (for sim pilots)
Fully operational Fix page (in connection with ND)
Extensive covering of all real Boeing-Smiths-Type FMC features
Generates messages and warnings
Full screen display for cockpit builders
Colour as well as green and white inverted display can be set
Fonts can be defined by the user
Fully sizable
Dual CDU System Available
Software Features
Full screen display for cockpit builders (no bitmap)
Two bitmap colours brown and grey
Font type and font colour selectable
Input via keyboard, mouseclick
FSUIPC offsets for lights
Serial connection available
Support for CFI hardware
Support for PFC FMC hardware
- Support for Engravity FMC (737 and 747)