Flight Operations:
Navigation & ATC
ACAS Bulletin Nr 01
Follow the RA
ACAS Bulletin Nr 02
RAs and 1000 ft level-off manoeuvres
ACAS Bulletin Nr 03
Wrong reaction to ''Adjust Vertical Speed''
ACAS Bulletin Nr 04
TCAS II and VFR traffic
ACAS Bulletin Nr 05
Controller and Pilot ACAS regulation and training
ACAS Bulletin Nr 06
Incorrect use of the TCAS traffic display
ACAS Bulletin Nr 07
Dos and Don'ts of TCAS II Operations
ACAS Bulletin Nr 08
TCAS II Operations in European RVSM Airspace
ACAS Bulletin Nr 09
Frequently Asked Questions
ACAS Bulletin Nr 10
When ATC meets TCAS II
ACAS Bulletin Nr 11
ACAS world is moving on
ACAS Bulletin Nr 12
Focus On Pilot Training
ACAS Bulletin Nr 13
Reversing to Resolve
ACAS Bulletin Nr 14
Version 7.1 is Coming
ACAS Bulletin Nr 15
Not So Fast
ACAS Bulletin Nr 16
TCAS Traffic Advisories
ACAS Bulletin Nr 17
Level Off RA
ACAS Bulletin Nr 18
Notable recent operational events
Common Conceptual Model Approach To Vertical Navigation Automation
Applying a common conceptual model approach to vertical navigation automation. A publication from the International Center for Air Transportation Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (USA).
Constant-angle non precision approach
CDFA is a technique, consistent with stabilized approach procedures, for flying the final approach segment of a non-precision approach (NPA) procedure as a constant descent, without level-off, from an altitude at or above the final approach fix altitude to a point approximately 15 m (50 ft) height above the landing runway threshold or the point where the flare manoeuvre should begin for the type of aircraft flown.
Continuous Descent Arrivals
The US FAA reviews the concept of a CDA approach: a flight procedure where the vertical profile of an arrival has been optimized so that it can be flown with engines “idle†from a high altitude (potentially from cruise) until touch down on the runway.
Correcting The Effect of Magnetic Variation
Airlines should make sure they update their inertial reference systems to the latest magnetic variation (MagVar) tables in order to avoid potentially hazardous magnetic heading-related navigation errors
Getting to grips with ETOPS
The purpose of this Airbus brochure is to provide Airbus operators with: the currently applicable ETOPS regulations, as published in the various relevant circulars, and the agreed interpretations thereto, which have been defined in the frame of the JAA/FAA Harmonization Committee.
Getting to grips with FANS
The purpose of this Airbus brochure is to provide Airbus Industrie aircraft operators with the agreed interpretations of the currently applicable CNS/ATM (i.e. FANS) regulations.
Getting To Grips with Modern Navigation
The purpose of this brochure is to provide Airbus aircraft Operators with the agreed interpretations of the currently applicable RNP and RVSM and RNAV regulations.
Getting To Grips With RNP AR
The Performance Based Navigation concept allows to optimize the instrument procedure design with the aircraft navigation performance. This concept is used en route, to reduce aircraft separation, and in terminal area to optimize arrival and departure procedures. The utmost development of Performance Based Navigation for approach, missed approach and departure is known under different names. FAA initially referred to RNP SAAAR Operations, SAAAR standing for Special Aircraft and Aircrew Authorization Required. ICAO now refers to RNP Operations with Authorization Required (RNP AR). This brochure aims at providing Airbus customers with the background information necessary to launch an RNP AR project.
HF Guidance
Everything is said in the title.
How VNAV Works
What is VNAV and how it works: another interesting document from Boeing
What you should know about IATA In-flight Broadcast Procedure (IFBP).
Introduction To Navigation
This introduction to Navigation covers Methods & equipment, procedures, Navigation and the FMC.
John Bells VNAV Whiz Wheel
The VNAV Whiz Wheel was developed by an active airline captain to make descent planning easier on non-VNAV aircraft such as the B737-200 or B727.
North Atlantic Operations & Airpace Manual - 2016
Note that “NAT HLA Airspace” is a re-designation of the airspace formerly known as the “North Atlantic Minimum Navigational Performance Specifications Airspace (NAT MNPSA)” but excludes those portions of SHANWICK OCA which form the SOTA and BOTA areas and includes the BODO OCEANIC FIR. This re-designation is the third of the milestones of the “MNPS to PBN Transition Plan” for the North Atlantic Region and is effective from 04 February 2016.
Pilots and ATC Communications
English is the international language of aviation. But even when pilots and controllers both speak English fluently, there are pitfalls in the nature of language and the ways that language is heard. Subtle miscues can subvert messages that seem clear to the sender. Pilots and controllers must be aware of, and avoid, common types of linguistic misunderstandings. Ultimately, an intelligent voice interface may cut through confusion.
Polar Operations
This Boeing document provides some information needed to implement safe and efficient Polar Operations.
Polar Routes
This Boeing document provides some information to better understand safe and efficient Polar Operations.
Revision Of Rule for ETOPS and LROPS
With very long-range airplanes such as the A340-500, an increasing number of flights will be conducted far away from regular diversion airports. Alternate airports along new routes like the Polar and Arctic route systems are subject to the most extreme weather conditions and would require special precautions.
RNP In Daily Operations
This document has been published by Westjet and is well illustrated.
RVSM Heightens Need for Precision in Altitude Measurement
Technological advances have honed the accuracy of aircraft altimeters, but false indications still can occur at any altitude or flight level. Some involve limitations of the altimeters themselves, but most are associated with the ‘weak link’ in altimetry — the human.
Standard Calls
Standard phraseology is essential to ensure effective crew communication, particularly in today's operating environment, which increasingly features Two-crewmember operation and, International / worldwide contexts involving crewmembers with different native languages.
Vertical Situation Display For Improved Flight Safety
Boeing has developed a vertical situation display to help prevent controlled flight into terrain and approach and landing accidents. In addition, the vertical situation display is designed to reduce airline operating costs by decreasing the number of missed approaches, tail strikes, and hard landings and by reducing vertical navigation training time.
Vulnerabilities Warrant Attention as Satellite based Navigation Grows
The International Civil Aviation Organization and other authorities recommend backup inertial-reference systems, ground-based navaids, and radar surveillance and vectoring to mitigate interference — unintentional and intentional — with navigation signals from space. Improved satellites and augmentation systems will help to lessen risks under instrument flight rules.
What is PRNAV ?
Precision-RNAV (P-RNAV) is the natural progression from Basic RNAV (B-RNAV) which became mandatory in European Airspace in April 1998 for en-route operations. Initial application is in the Terminal Area and P-RNAV track keeping equates to cross track accuracy of RNP 1 ( or - 1NM). P-RNAV procedures are designed to a common set of design principles specific to RNAV equipped aircraft. These P-RNAV procedures will replace the wide variation of RNAV procedures in European ECAC Terminal Airspace that do not have a common basis.