Aircrafts Sales
Pacific Jet Group will manage the process of acquiring an aircraft on your behalf. Pacific Jet Group will research, compare, recommend and locate the most suitable aircraft available, and assist in every detail throughout the purchasing process of such aircraft and in the negotiation of any contractual matter. Pacific Jet Group will provide exterior and interior specifications, market availability and trends, recent transactions, and other pertinent information to help identify the most suitable aircraft in the market.
Pacific Jet Group will assist in soliciting, evaluating, selecting and securing financing for the purchase of an aircraft, and also in evaluating and proposing some asset structuring solutions for such aircraft. Pacific Jet Group will conduct industry-wide research for financing offers, then review and assist in the negotiation of any resulting financing or operating lease agreements.
Pacific Jet Group will assist in choosing an aviation authority under which to operate your aircraft (registration), and will evaluate and recommend operators for managing such aircraft. Pacific Jet Group will manage a fair bidding process by requesting suitable aircraft management offers, evaluating proposals, and making professional and educated recommendations regarding the best operators to choose. Pacific Jet Group will help in negotiating the terms of any aircraft management agreement directly with any selected operator.
Pacific Jet Group have direct Sales department dedicated to African Customers only. We are very familiar with local trading requirements in Angola, Sierra-Lione, South Africa and other countries. Pacific Jet Group have local representatives in Angola. Specialised engineering team is ready to visit your facility to support in aircraft delivering. There are different sales way from Asia Pacific region (business jets) and former USSR territory (turbo-props type and military transport aircrafts). Turbo-props aircrafts are very adapted and well performed for African conditions (runways, storage, fuel capability, maintenance service). Depending on deal structure there are some offshore contract-types are possible (from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova or Asia Pacific). Lots of African owners and Operators already make their choice, Pacific Jet Group have an extremmely succesful sales story in Africa.
Pacific Jet Group will conduct aircraft pre-purchase inspections and market value appraisals by coordinating the scheduling of such work and professionally reviewing opinions regarding such inspections or fair market value assessments.
Pacific Jet Group will help market your existing aircraft and seek and obtain an acceptable sale for it. Pacific Jet Group will conduct a worldwide marketing effort, prepare literature and brochures, including photographs and technical specifications for distribution to identified qualified prospects. Pacific Jet Group will also help negotiate the terms of any sale agreement directly with prospective purchasers on your behalf.
Throughout this process, Pacific Jet Group will also provide professionalTRANSACTIONAL ADVISORY services regarding any aircraft sales contractual matter.
Pacific Jet Group can assist with any aviation-related transactional and contractual matter including the review and the negotiation of aircraft sales or purchase agreements, completion agreements, airframe, engines or avionics maintenance service plan agreements, aircraft management agreement, and any other related documents so as to ensure our clients’ commercial, contractual and fiscal expectations are fully met. Pacific Jet Group will liaise with manufacturers and operators’ representatives, review, comment and assist with drafting agreements, and manage relationships to maximise our clients’ benefits.
Pacific Jet Group will assist in the technical definition of the aircraft, its interior or components including the selection of the best engine (if applicable) and all standard & optional equipment so as to ensure the aircraft meets operational requirements of the final country of aircraft registration. Pacific Jet Group will also advise on all transaction issues, to ensure our clients’ interests are best protected, the best purchasing entity is used, the best transaction structure is implemented, operational goals are achieved, and expenses & taxes are minimised.